Monday, August 5, 2013

Why You Should Volunteer

As a volunteer coordinator I am constantly looking for ways to motivate people to come and provide service at Sunshine Terrace. The biggest challenge I face in convincing people is that an hour of volunteering is worth their time.

We all know what it is like to be so busy you hardly have time to eat and sleep, let alone spend an hour volunteering at a skilled nursing facility such as the Sunshine Terrace. However, let me give those who want to come but don't feel they have the time a few reasons why they should take time to volunteer.

Volunteering Connects You With Others

When you volunteer you will interact not just with those you are serving, but with other volunteers. People who serve together in meaningful ways tend to form lasting relationships that will benefit their lives for years to come.

When I was seventeen I had the chance to go to Africa to build a school in Nairobi, Kenya. While there I worked with some wonderful people and formed some very strong friendships. Not only did I gain great friends from the experience, but many of these friends helped shape me into the person I am today. I received letters of recommendation from some and great advice and help in getting into my current career from others. Staying connected with these friends has also lead to other great service experiences that have made me into a much better person.

Volunteering is Good for Your Mind and Body

According to a Harvard study  volunteer service can also benefit your personal heath in several ways.

         1: Volunteering increases self confidence.

Often when you volunteer you may be placed in a situation that you are not accustomed to. For example at the Sunshine Terrace you will work with people who have some disabilities you may never have been exposed to. In time, you will learn how to best serve those who cannot help themselves and you become more confident in your ability to adapt to meeting people from diverse backgrounds. You will develop a profound sense of accomplishment as you fulfill your volunteer obligations. Your volunteering will also give you a sense of belonging to a community and pride in your work.

Sometimes you may be in situations you aren't completely comfortable with, but soon enough, you will learn to work well outside of your comfort zone.

         2: Volunteering Combats Depression

Strange as is seems, volunteer service has been proven to make people happier. When you're helping you're happy. Volunteering reduces stress levels and eliminates one of the key factors in depression, which is social isolation. Volunteering helps you develop a group of people you can rely on and get support from when you face challenges.

         3: Volunteering helps you stay physically healthy

As said before, volunteering reduces stress and high stress is a major factor in heart disease and unhealthy weight gain. Not to mention when you volunteer at the Sunshine Terrace you can always count on moving around a lot, which helps keep your energy up. Finally studies have shown that those who volunteer have a longer life expectancy than those who don't.

Volunteering Can Advance Your Career

Employers love to see volunteer service on a resume. It shows that the potential employee cares about the community in which he or she works. It can show them you are a person who can go the extra mile when needed.

Volunteering can teach you very valuable job skills, such as social interactions, the ability to change plans when things are not working right, and initiative. These are only a few of the many many skills you can learn and develop as a volunteer.

Finally you will make valuable connections with people who you may someday work with.

All in all, there is really no down side to volunteering. One hour, at least once a week or even once a month. What do you stand to lose when you volunteer? Probably nothing.  On the contrary though, think of all you will be missing out on if you don't volunteer. 

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