Thursday, August 15, 2013

We Have Been Busy!

Here are some photos from the past two weeks to show you what we have been up to in the recreation therapy department here at the Sunshine Terrace Foundation.

First, we went to the fair with a group of our residents. They had a blast! We are very grateful to all our volunteers who came out to help us. We could not have done it without you.

Later in the same week we did a service project in which we made flower pens for all out nursing stations. The nurses were very glad to have pens that won't walk away so easily.

Our major event of the month went off without a hitch! We hosted a thank you breakfast for all out Conservice volunteers who come each month so faithfully. To show you what wonderful volunteers they are, they served us and our residents at their own thank you breakfast! We can't do big activities without the help of great volunteers. Thank you!

Finally we ended this week with a celebration of Africa. We made African Fry Bread called Magwenyas and Richard, our Volunteer Coordinator, gave a slide show presentation on his two trips to Africa. It was a ton of fun.

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