Monday, August 25, 2014

Donations for the Music Therapy Opera

Sunshine Terrace is excited to announce the Music Therapy Opera that will be held on October 2nd!!  Our residents have worked hard in preparing for this much anticipated event and will continue to work hard until it is over!  However, there are a few things for this opera that we are in need of.  These are items that we have not been able to find, especially in bulk.  So if any of you have any of these things that you are willing to donate, it would be incredibly appreciated!

- Cowboy Hats
- Baseball Caps
- Wedding Veil
- Feather Boa
- Fake Flowers
- Red Carpet (red paper would do!)
- Apple Tree (actually any tree is great)
- Sponges

So if you have any of these things that you're willing to give up, bring 'em on down!  If you have questions about location and such, please email Amanda at Again, we are so appreciative of all the help we receive to enhance the lives of our residents.  Thank you all!

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